Phone: 877.882.1495
Over the past 20+ years, we have developed and operated senior living, assisted living and memory care communities in urban, suburban and rural locations. Weu2019ve grown to become the 11th largest assisted living provider in the U.S.Originally founded as BMA Management, we have earned numerous u201cBest of the Bestu201d awards from Argentum. Our communities maintain occupancy rates nearly 10% higher than national averages. Our operating margins consistently rank in the top 25% nationally. Our resident satisfaction ratings rival those of more expensive, u201cluxuryu201d communities.What this all means for you is that we know this business. Our approach has shown, time and again, that quality communities can be managed in a way thatu2019s affordable for residents, profitable for owners and investors, and sustainable over the long-term.To lead the way forward for the service-enriched housing industry, we are bringing our experience and resources to help businesses serving the market flourish. We provide a full suite of management, project development and consulting solutions to create a customized, asset-specific approach thatu2019s right for your needs.Call Gardant Management Solutions today to explore how we can partner for your growth.
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